Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Get Name of Month from Date - MonthName Function

God bless W3schools

I've just had a right old drama trying to work out how to get the name of a month rather than the Integer returned by Date.Month and apparently there is a built in function called MonthName.

Dim lastmonth As String
lastmonth =
MonthName(Date.Today.Month - 1)
'so the value of lastmonth is now the name of last month.
source http://www.w3schools.com/Vbscript/func_monthname.asp

And the go-faster version:

''' Gets name of previous month to current

''' string
Public Function GetLastMonthName() As String
Dim lastmonth As String
lastmonth = MonthName(Date.Today.Month - 1)
Return lastmonth
End Function

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